COP calls for AI integration in decarbonization strategy


The Conference of the Parties (COP) for Climate Change has urged global economies to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to advance decarbonization strategies, alongside addressing energy demand growth.

In a report by the Manila Bulletin, COP28 President Sultan Al Jaber called on the energy and technology sectors to collaborate more closely to accelerate AI adoption to meet the world’s growing energy demand and drive decarbonization.

As energy transition agendas advance, AI is seen as a revolutionary force that can enhance energy efficiency, spur innovation, and achieve goals at a scale beyond human capabilities.

Al Jaber highlighted that while AI increases energy demand, it also enhances efficiencies that curb emissions.

He identified AI’s growth as one of three mega-trends shaping the future, alongside the accelerating energy transition and the rise of emerging markets and the global south.

Al Jaber stressed that the convergence of AI and energy could unlock more solutions for decarbonized growth globally.

AI’s core strength lies in its ability to analyze vast and complex datasets, using algorithms to predict outcomes with high accuracy and precision.

In the energy sector, AI-aided operations can optimize energy consumption and production, resulting in more efficient supply chains and reduced carbon emissions.

In renewable energy integration, AI enables grid operators to balance loads more effectively, while renewable energy players can better forecast capacity availability.

Building on the consensus from COP28, Al Jaber announced a collaboration with the COP29 Presidency in Azerbaijan to progress the outcomes from the Dubai Summit.

The host countries of COP28, COP29, and the upcoming COP30 in Brazil are working on a ‘troika approach’ to solidify action agendas for implementing landmark agreements from successive climate change summits.

Al Jaber emphasized that COP28 made history with the UAE Consensus, delivering significant climate breakthroughs despite geopolitical challenges, proving the vitality of multilateralism.