Philippines targets 2026 for operational nuclear power regulatory commission


The Philippines is aiming to establish a fully operational and independent nuclear power regulatory commission by 2026, according to the draft Philippine Nuclear Energy Program 2024-2050. 

Manila Standard reported that the program is focused on creating an all-encompassing framework for safety, security, and safeguards in the country’s nuclear energy sector, ensuring tight supervision from the licensing and construction phases through to the operation and eventual decommissioning of nuclear power plants.

Prepared by the Nuclear Energy Program-Inter-Agency Committee (NEP-IAC), this roadmap is subject to further consultations and input from various agencies.

To develop a resilient nuclear regulatory framework by 2026, the plan focuses on enhancing the skills of about 7,000 regulatory officers and plant operators, including professionals, technicians, and craftsmen. Additionally, it supports sustained educational and training efforts for government bodies, private sector entities, students, and community groups.

The program outlined a timeline that includes establishing the legal and regulatory framework for nuclear energy by 2025, followed by the development of implementing rules and regulations.

It also finalized criteria for micro modular reactors (MMRs), small modular reactors (SMRs), and conventional nuclear power plants by 2025 to identify potential sites.

By 2026, the plan aims to secure government approvals and financing for the first nuclear power plant (NPP) project, while also clarifying the government’s role in the initiative. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), along with other relevant agencies, is anticipated to issue the necessary environmental compliance and protection for NPPs by that time.