The operator of the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) is currently doing research to develop detailed proposals for lower threshold implementation of the Retail Competition..
The operations of the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) in the Mindanao Grid will be delayed to the middle of next year, according to the..
Solar Philippines has named American power industry veteran Marty Crotty, who has family ties in the Philippines, as its new chief executive officer. Prior to..
Ayala exploration arm ACE Enexor Inc. is in search of a deep-pocketed and technically experienced partner for its planned exploration venture off the northwestern coast..
The number of power generation companies interested in joining the Manila Electric Company’s (MERALCO) competitive auction for its 1,800-megawatt (MW) power requirements has doubled to..
The Udenna Group’s UC Malampaya Philippines Pte. Ltd. is seeking to resolve its Php27.3-billion dispute regarding capacity payments for the 1,200-megawatt Ilijan gas-fired power project in..
NASDAQ-listed solar power firm Enphase Energy has partnered with MSpectrum, the renewable energy (RE) arm of the Manila Electric Company (MERALCO), to supply residential and..
AC Energy, the power arm of the Ayala group, is doing away with anything to do with coal for power generation. In doing so, it..
Ayala-led AC Energy said it looks achieve half of its 5,000-megawatt (MW) target renewable energy (RE) capacity in 2021. AC Energy President and CEO Eric..
AboitizPower run-of-river hydropower arm Hedcor received recommendations for ISO re-certifications from the British Standards Group Philippines (BSi) as organizations across the world continue to confront..