EDC targets 83 MW of RE capacity by year-end

EDC Mindanao Bonary

Energy Development Corporation (EDC) is aiming to achieve an aggregate installed capacity of approximately 83 megawatts (MW) of clean and renewable energy by year-end. 

EDC corporate communications head Frances Ariola said that this initiative is in line with the broader goal of its parent company, First Philippine Holdings (FPH), to attain net-zero carbon emissions and facilitate the country’s shift to clean energy.

Ariola explained that the Lopez Group’s approach to achieving its net-zero goals centered on providing clean and renewable energy, which served as the key strategy for reducing its carbon footprint.

The geothermal power plants slated for energization this year include the 29-megawatt (MW) Palayan Bayan binary power plant in Bicol, a 5.6-MW facility in Bago City, Negros Occidental, the 20-MW Tanawon geothermal power plant in Bicol, and the 28-MW Mahanagdong binary power plant in Leyte. 

Additionally, EDC is exploring the integration of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) to enhance existing geothermal facilities, with projects planned for BacMan BESS in Bicol (20 megawatt hours (MWh), Tongonan BESS in Leyte (10 MWh), and Negros BESS (10 MWh).

EDC operates various renewable energy sources, including geothermal, wind, solar, and hydropower, with a combined installed capacity of around 1,500 MW, excluding the seven new projects underway. 

To meet its 2030 objectives, EDC is actively exploring opportunities in Mindanao and Luzon, while also considering international ventures, including a potential concession area in Indonesia for renewable energy development.

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