Marine Spatial Plan to aid in Offshore Wind advancement


A marine spatial plan will be released later in the year in hopes of aiding advancements in the country’s offshore wind (OSW) sector.

In the recently concluded Offshore Wind Expo and Conference 2024, former Department of Energy (DOE) Undersecretary Atty. Jose Layug Jr. said that the Marine Spatial Plan is a vital inquiry as it identifies areas in the country that are unsuitable for the projects.

“If your area is included in, let’s say, a Marine Protected Area, sorry you cannot build there. So your area, your contract area, will be shaved off,” said Layug.

This initiative will support the development of an efficient permitting process for OSW projects in the Philippines that is in line with international best practices. 

Layug mentioned that the development of a regulatory framework is underway, aimed at identifying gaps and unsuitable areas in accordance with the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS). This system protects ecologically rich and biologically significant regions. 

In other developments, DOE Undersecretary Giovanni Carlo J. Bacordo emphasized that successfully advancing offshore wind projects would require comprehensive port upgrades, substantial investment in education and certification programs, and a refined regulatory framework to cultivate a sustainable offshore wind sector.

“Modernizing our ports will transform them into hubs capable of meeting international standards and facilitating seamless operations for offshore wind installations,” said Bacordo.

Port infrastructure renovations involve integrating smart technology for improved logistics, adapting existing facilities to accommodate large-scale offshore wind components, and ensuring sustainability regulations are followed. 

“In our era of unprecedented environmental challenges, it is imperative that we approach offshore wind development with a comprehensive strategy rooted in sustainability,” Bacordo added. 

Power Philippines is the official media partner of the Offshore Wind Expo and Conference 2024.

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