Vice chairman of the House committee on energy Rep. Carlos Roman Uybarreta encourages consumers to start using energy efficiency as there’s a probability that electricity..
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Vivant Energy Corporation subsidiary ET Vivant Solar assists Cebu-based manufacturing company Treasure Island Industrial Corporation (TIIC) in meeting its aim to convert to sustainable energy..
Power distribution firm Manila Electric Company has assured the public that power outages being experienced are due to service maintenance. “Walang power supply shortage,” said..
Global Business Power Corp. with West Visayas State University (WVSU) will conduct a 150-hectare reforestation and carbon sink project in Iloilo. The project, titled as..
After electrifying Isla Verde with Solar grid last February 15, the Manila Electric Co. (Meralco) has plans to further their electrification program to Cagbalete, Quezon...
The Philippine Rural Electric Cooperatives Association, Inc. (PHILRECA) reiterated their call for resignation after Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Alfonso Cusi failed to attend the..
The Department of Energy (DOE) and the Land Transportation Office (LTO) lauded the bill creating a national energy policy and regulatory framework on the development..
As the legal spat between the Panay Electric Co. (PECO) and More Electric and Power Corp. (MORE Power) continues, a consumer group is calling for..
Cost increases in gasoline products in the world market resulted in an anticipated price hikes for petroleum products in the country by as much as..
Tokyo Gas Co and First Gen. have secured the Philippine government’s approval for its liquified natural gas (LNG) project with First Gen Corp. First Gen..