Singapore’s AECO Energy enters PH Market

Aeco Energy

Singapore-based energy technology and services firm Asia Energy Co. (AECO Energy) has entered the Philippine market and is looking to partner with contestable power users and retail electricity suppliers. 

In a report by Business World, AECO Energy chairman Alan Jones said that their expansion in the Philippines would bring customer-centric market platforms to Filipinos. 

AECO Eenrgy will offer assisted, end-to-end electricity management services, including bidding platforms exclusively developed for retail electricity suppliers to automate its billing requests from contestable customers. 

AECO Energy general manager Debbie Alfonso said that their experts will “work closely with customers to help them reduce their costs, drive efficiency, and make better buying decisions.” 

Alfonso added that AECO Energy wants to create a “profound impact” on its customers for them to be positioned for long-term sustainable growth by providing technology-based, data-led energy technology solutions. 

Under Republic Act No. 9136 or the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001, contestable customers with a monthly average usage of around 500 kilowatts in the past 12 months are allowed to buy electricity from their chosen RES under the retail competition and open access (RCOA) program. 

In 2021, the Department of Energy (DOE) said that it may lower the eligibility threshold for the RCOA program so that more customers may have the option to choose their electricity suppliers.