Manila Water has transitioned from a captive market to a contestable market under the Retail Aggregation Program (RAP), enrolling ten of its wastewater facilities in..
Tag Archives: RCOA
The energy sector of the Alcantara group, Alsons Power, has signed a retail electricity supply (RES) contract with Holcim Philippines, Inc. “This partnership with Holcim..
The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) announced it is reviewing the reliability index that determines allowable outages for energy facilities to enhance monitoring and establish appropriate..
MPower, Manila Electric Company’s (MERALCO) retail electricity supplier, has renewed its retail supply agreement with Pioneer Highlands South Condominium Corporation (PHSCC). PHSCC, the management entity..
The Department of Energy (DOE) is setting the commercial operations of the Retail Competition and Open Access (RCOA) and Green Energy Option Program (GEOP) in..
The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) has allowed contestable customers supplied by Retail Electricity Suppliers (RES) to switch to other suppliers even with unresolved disputes with..
Accelerating the development of new and reliable power plants in the country can help avoid generation deficiencies and high electricity spot market prices during tight..
Prime Infastructure Capital Inc. is set to join the retail electricity suppliers (RES) industry through PrimeRES Corporation to cater to the power needs of contestable..
The Independent Electricity Market Operator of the Philippines (IEMOP) is set to adjust its registration system to open the power retail aggregation to wider coverage..
Consumers within a contiguous area with an electricity average peak demand is at least 500 kilowatts (kW) can join together to experience lower power rates..