CIP positions LIDARs for offshore wind projects

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) is positioning vertical and scanning Light Detection and Ranging Devices (LIDARs) in its planned project sites in Camarines Sur, with more units in Pangasinan and Samar Norte to arrive shortly afterward.

“CIP is very grateful for the incredible support it has received from the local government of Camarines Sur and from the various national and regional agencies,” said CIP offshore wind Co-CEO for the Philippines Rune Damgaard.

The introduction of these LIDARs is for the firm’s 1 GW San Miguel Bay Offshore Wind Power Project situated in Camarines Sur.

Meanwhile, Governor Luigi Villafuerte said that this endeavor aligns with the province’s objectives and will contribute to enhancing the future security and reliability of the living environment for the people of Camarines Sur.

“We are honored to be a part of this transformative journey and pledge our unwavering
support to His Excellency Ambassador Franz-Michael Skjold Mellbin and CIP Co-CEO Rune Damgaard in their mission to harness the immense potential of offshore wind energy, ultimately propelling Camarines Sur to even greater heights of progress and innovation,” said Villafuerte.

The Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded wind energy service contracts to CIP, the first 100% foreign-owned company, for the development of offshore wind power projects with a combined capacity of up to 2,000 megawatts (MW), through its local subsidiary, CI NMF (PH) Corporation.

The Board of Investment also granted Green Lane Certificates of Endorsement for CIP projects to expedite the processing of permits.

Photo courtesy of Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP)

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