DOE to resume online renewable energy applications via EVOSS

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The Department of Energy (DOE) will soon resume accepting and processing renewable energy contract applications online, following a five-month suspension of the service.

In a statement on Tuesday, DOE Undersecretary Rowena Cristina Guevara announced that the department will implement a “more efficient” and streamlined approval process through the Energy Virtual One-Stop Shop (EVOSS) System, aiming to stimulate growth in the renewable energy sector.

“With these improvements, we aim to attract greater investment and development in renewable energy, supporting the goal of achieving a 35 percent renewable energy share in the power generation mix by 2030 and 50 percent by 2040,” Guevara said.

The updated EVOSS platform includes an option for developers to apply online for a Certificate of Authority (COA) prior to signing a renewable energy contract. The COA permits developers to secure necessary approvals and conduct preliminary surveys and feasibility studies before their contracts take effect, enabling them to address challenges early in the process.

The revamped EVOSS system will officially resume on November 25, allowing developers to begin submitting their letters of intent and applications.