Energies Ph, UK firm to build Samar tidal plant

tidal wave

An engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contract has been granted by Energies Ph Inc., through its affiliate San Bernardino Ocean Power Corporation, to Inyanga Marine Energy Group, a UK renewable energy (RE) firm, to construct Southeast Asia’s first 1 megawatt (MW) tidal power plant. 

The first phase of the project would connect the power plant to a microgrid network supported by solar photovoltaics and energy storage. The goal of the initial stage would be to deliver a reliable alternative to fossil fuels. 

According to a report by the Philippine Star, Inyanga would utilize its HydroWing tidal stream technology, connecting the tidal stream turbines to the electrical network of Capul, an off-grid island in Northern Samar, currently dependent on a 750-kilowatt diesel power plant. 

The RE firm said that the tidal turbines would be able to secure 24/7 energy supply to Capul, whereas the island only has eight to 16 hours of energy daily. 

Inyanga Chief Executive Officer Richard Parkinson assured that tidal stream as an energy source is one of the reliable forms of RE and with its HydroWing technology, it would be able to provide a cost-efficient solution to discovering the capacity of ocean tides to provide energy. 

Additionally, Energies PH aimed to establish several tidal projects in remote locations across the country to ensure that far-flung communities have access to energy.

Inyanga specializes in offshore renewable projects around the globe, specifically in tidal energy technology, with the establishment of HydroWing, and offshore installation and engineering with Inyanga Maritime.