The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has concluded its review mission on the country’s nuclear power program, saying that the Philippines has already advanced a comprehensive nuclear law.
“The Philippines expanded the composition of its Nuclear Energy Programme Implementing Organization (NEPIO) to 24 organizations, and all sub-committees of NEPIO are actively engaged to implement relevant activities. This indicates the level of commitment of the Philippines to proceed with their nuclear power programme,” said IAEA Nuclear Infrastructure Development Section Technical Lead mission team leader Mehmet Ceyhan.
To support the Philippines’ infrastructure development, the mission team reviewed the country’s progress in implementing recommendations from the initial 2018 INIR mission.
Using the Phase 1 criteria of the IAEA Milestones Approach, the assessment focused on determining the country’s preparedness to make an informed decision on pursuing a nuclear power program.
The mission acknowledged the Philippines’ progress in advancing its nuclear energy program, including the drafting of a comprehensive nuclear law, assessments in key areas such as human resources, regulatory frameworks, radiation protection, and waste management, as well as the development of related policies and strategies.
Despite these advancements, the team emphasized the importance of finalizing the country’s nuclear power strategy and conducting additional studies on the electrical grid, industrial participation, and national legislation to pave the way for future initiatives.
The Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) Missions are guided by the IAEA Milestones Approach, addressing 19 key infrastructure issues across three phases: consider, prepare, and construct, with milestones set at decide, contract, and commission/operate.
These missions provide a platform for IAEA Member States to engage with international experts, fostering knowledge exchange and sharing best practices from global nuclear programs.