Meralco bans single-use plastics


 The Manila Electric Company (Meralco) has banned the use of single-use plastics from all of its premises as part of its contributions to the call for a cleaner environment.

This was implemented on October 1, 2019.

“The protection of the environment is a collective obligation that we not only owe to the communities we serve, but more importantly, the future generation. It is, therefore, incumbent upon us to ensure that we integrate sustainability in all areas of our operations and in our workplace to create a positive impact to the environment,” Meralco President and Chief Executive Officer Ray Espinosa said. 

The ban applies to the Meralco Industrial Engineering Services Corporation (“Miescor”) Group, CIS Bayad Center, Inc. (“Bayad Center”) Group, Meralco Energy, Inc. (“Mserv”), Radius Telecoms, Inc. (“Radius”), MSpectrum, Inc. (“Spectrum”), MRAIL, Inc. (“MRAIL”), Meralco Powergen Corporation (“MGen”) Group, and eSakay, Inc. (“eSakay”) as well as affiliated companies, Comstech Integration Alliance, Inc. (“Comstech”), Clark Electric Distribution Corporation (“CEDC”), and Shin Clark Power Group effective November 1, 2019.

Meralco’s supply chain partners have also been told to ensure full compliance with the ban effective January 1, 2020.

Meralco also aims to educate employees and business partners on the responsible use of plastic for proper disposal for a sustainable economy, and help pave the way for a lifestyle change.

According to United Nations Environment Program’s report, only nine percent of the nine trillion kilos of plastic has  been recycled. Majority end up in landfills, dumps or in the environment.

“Everyone in Meralco is committed to do their part in ensuring that we embrace sustainability as a way of life by greatly reducing our contribution to the million tons of plastics waste that are used and dumped in our waterways, rivers and oceans every day,” said Espinosa.