Meralco Flips Switch on First Aggregated Power Customer

RLA during RAP Switch

Meralco, the country’s largest power distributor, activated its first retail aggregation customer under the Retail Aggregation Program (RAP) today, marking a milestone in consumer energy choice enabled by advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). The Manuel V. Pangilinan-led company is leveraging smart meters to allow smaller users—those below the 500-kilowatt threshold—to group together within its franchise area and select their own electricity supplier through Retail Competition and Open Access (RCOA).

The ceremonial switch-on highlighted Meralco’s AMI investments, which include meters that record consumption in five-minute intervals and transmit data daily to the electricity Market Operator. “Meralco is embracing innovative technologies, not only to modernize our power infrastructure but to really empower consumers,” said Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Ronnie L. Aperocho during the event.

The initiative aligns with Meralco’s broader grid modernization efforts under its proposed 5th Regulatory Period capital expenditure program. The company plans to expand AMI deployment, integrating smart metering solutions to ease the transition of residential, commercial, and industrial customers into the contestable market. 

“Through our continuous and bolder investments in AMI and grid modernization, we remain committed in making it convenient and efficient for customers who want to exercise their right to choose their electricity supplier,” Aperocho stated.

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