National Teachers College, ACEN RES partner for RE Shift

NTC pres Alfredo Antonio Ayala_ACEN pres Eric Francia-min

ACEN Renewable Energy Solutions (ACEN RES) has partnered with the National Teachers College (NTC) as the educational institution shifts to 100% renewable energy (RE).

“We are incredibly proud to partner with NTC in their journey towards a greener future. This collaboration serves as a powerful testament to the growing commitment of educational institutions to environmental responsibility. ACEN RES is firmly dedicated to empowering organizations like NTC with clean and sustainable energy solutions,” said ACEN president and CEO, Eric Francia.

NTC’s transition to renewable energy was enabled by the Green Energy Option Program (GEOP). This government initiative permits qualified power consumers to buy electricity directly from licensed renewable energy suppliers, such as ACEN RES.

“By embracing renewable energy, we not only set a positive example for future generations of educators but also demonstrate our commitment to build a more sustainable tomorrow,” said NTC president Alfredo Ayala.

Meanwhile, ACEN’s senior vice president for market transformation, Tony Valdez, praised the GEOP initiative, noting that customers no longer need to invest in new equipment like solar panels or handle maintenance. Instead, they simply choose a reliable energy partner who manages the switch seamlessly, ensuring no disruption to their operations.