NGCP OKs grid connection to PetroEnergy 33.8MWp solar project

NGCP transmission line with sun 2

The Limbauan Solar Power Project (LSPP-2) has secured National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) approval for grid connection, paving the way for its integration into the national transmission network. Backed by BKS Green Energy Corporation (BKSGEC), a joint venture between PetroGreen Energy Corporation (PGEC) and Japan’s Taisei Corporation, LSPP-2 is a qualified participant in the Green Energy Auction-2 (GEA-2) and is expected to begin delivering clean energy by December 2025.

The development was officially disclosed to the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) as part of PetroEnergy Corporation’s latest regulatory filings, underscoring the project’s significance in the company’s renewable energy expansion strategy.

“With these milestones achieved and the pending approval of the PSA with ERC, BKSGEC will be able to fast-track the development and completion of both LSPP-1 and LSPP-2,” said PGEC Vice President for Business Development Maria Victoria M. Olivar.

The DOE designated the Limbauan Solar Power Project (LSPP) as an Energy Project of National Significance on November 4, 2024, recognizing its contribution to the government’s energy and development goals. 

On January 24, 2025, the NGCP approved LSPP-2’s Facilities Study, following its System Impact Study (SIS) approval in September 2024. These approvals confirm the technical feasibility of connecting LSPP-2 to NGCP’s 69-kilovolt (kV) Tuguegarao-Cabagan transmission line.

The initial 5-megawatt alternating current (MWAC) phase, LSPP-1, had previously secured approvals for its Distribution Impact Study, Distribution Asset Study, and Connection Agreement with Isabela II Electric Cooperative (ISELCO-II). 

Additionally, a Power Supply Agreement (PSA) between ISELCO-II and BKSGEC, endorsed by the National Electrification Administration (NEA), was filed in June 2021 and is currently awaiting approval from the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC).

With the NGCP greenlight for LSPP-2, Isabela moves closer to clean energy goals. Follow Power Philippines for deeper insights on what this means for energy sustainability.