Prime Solar activates 64 MW Batangas solar plant

solar power plant

Prime Solar Solutions Corporation, a subsidiary of Prime Infrastructure Capital Inc., unveiled its 64-megawatt (MW) solar plant in Batangas. This facility is one of the company’s two solar-powered projects in the country.

In a report by Inquirer, Prime Infra president and CEO Guillaume Lucci said that the conclusion of the 64.5-hectare solar farm is only one aspect of Prime Infra’s larger expansion plan. This facility, incorporated with another solar power plant situated in Cavite, will provide around 80,000 households with over 120 MW of electricity.

Lucci added that the plant was constructed using advanced technologies such as digital twins and drone monitoring.

The solar project broke ground in April 2023. Five months later, photovoltaic devices were ceremoniously installed.

The CEO of Prime Infra went on to say that both solar projects will be expanded, with an additional 10 MW to 12 MW added to each in the Batangas and Cavite locations.

The company has been considering expanding its solar plant operations, and this expansion is scheduled to take place this year.
In response to inquiries about the timeline for connecting the facilities to the national grid, Lucci revealed that the Batangas plant would be operational by June 12, with the Cavite facility anticipated to follow shortly after that.
In addition to providing power to the national grid, Prime Solar has a 20-year contract with the Manila Electric Company (MERALCO) for the provision of 50 MW of electricity.

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