Two Prime Infra projects certified as national significance

Prime Infra

The Department of Energy (DOE) has declared two of Prime Infrastructure Capital Inc.’s pump storage facilities as energy projects of national significance, recognizing their potential to enhance the country’s energy security.

Philippine Star reported that Prime Infra was granted Certificates of Energy Project of National Significance (CEPNS) for its Pakil Pumped Storage Power Project in Laguna and the Wawa Pumped Storage Power Project in Rizal.

These certificates would help streamline the process for obtaining regulatory permits and clearances.

The energy company said that these ventures would aid the country in meeting the increasing energy demand.

Prime Infra president and CEO Guillaume Lucci said that these projects are crucial in ensuring grid security through resilient energy production.

The Wawa pumped storage project, with a budget of USD 2.57 billion, will provide a storage capacity of 6,000 megawatt hours (MWh) per day and grant an output capacity of 600 MW.

Meanwhile, the Pakil pumped storage project, which totaled USD 5.03 billion, will boast a storage capacity of 14,000 MWh per day and a generating output capacity of 1,400 MW, and when accomplished, is anticipated to rank among the biggest pumped storage power stations in Asia.